Monday, June 12, 2006

FOURSQUARE 1.1 Now Available!

FOURSQUARE 1.1 will begin mailing today. You can buy a subscription here, or if you're not sure you want to invest the $12, you can buy a single copy of issue 1.1 at Etsy for $4. 1.1 includes work by Elizabeth Treadwell, Shanna Compton, K. Lorraine Graham, and Linda V. Russo. Cover collage by Elena Siff. FOURSQUARE will feature 4 different female poets every month. The broadzine comes enclosed in an embroidered fabric envelope.

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Nude Formalism by Charles Bernstein and Susan Bee

Charles Bernstein and Susan Bee's lovely The Nude Formalism is now up as a free e-book.

Friday, June 02, 2006

2008 Anthology

The ongoing lists of poets to be included in the huge 2008 anthology of young poets edited by John Sakkis and I are available here.


- FOURSQUARE 1.1 will be done soon. Hints of what's to come: embroidery. cherries, popscicles, handpainted, birds, guns, butterflies, feminism, cloth. folding. envelopes, weaving, folkarts, tactility. visuality. handmade, GrrLiPo. You can subscribe to FOURSQUARE for $12/yr ($24 for institutions). There are 12 issues per year. That's right, $1 per issue. There will only be 50 copies made of each issue, and only 40 subscriptions are available (actually, now there are about 25 subscriptions available).
- 1.1 (June) Includes work by Elizabeth Treadwell, Linda Russo, K. Lorraine Graham, and Shanna Compton
- 1.2 (July) will include work by Brenda Iijima, Maureen Thorson, and Juliana Spahr
- 1.3 (August) will include work by Chris Turnbull, Michelle Detorie, and Claire Webb.

Click on "Individuals" or "Institutions" at this page to subscribe.